The CCES invites feedback for 2027 WADA code and international standards

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is currently in the second phase of the consultation process for the 2027 World Anti-Doping Code (the Code) and International Standards. The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) continues to lead the process of providing feedback to WADA on behalf of the national sport community throughout the consultation phases.

The Code is the core document that harmonizes anti-doping policies, rules, and regulations across sport organizations and public authorities around the world. It works in conjunction with the eight current International Standards, including a new standard specific to Intelligence and Investigations, which
collectively foster consistency among anti-doping organizations in various areas. Since their first release in 2004, these foundational documents have evolved based on experience and stakeholder consultation. WADA leads the drafting process and manages the timeline as we head toward the fifth iteration of the Code.

During the first phase of consultation, WADA sought preliminary feedback on Concept Papers, which addressed areas that required specific consideration. Several of the CCES’s comments were considered and incorporated into the revised Code and standards.

Phase 2: Stakeholder Consultation 

During this second consultation phase, you’re invited to provide comments on the first drafts of the Code and individual International Standards. To guide your feedback, the CCES has provided a summary of significant changes to the Code and International Standards, as well as the CCES’s position on them. To familiarize yourself with the draft documents, please review:

  • the CCES’s summary of changes, and 
  • WADA’s Code and IS consultation documents. 

After your review, there are four avenues to engage in the consultation process: 

  1. Participate in a webinar (information below).
  2. Provide comments and/or feedback to the CCES by October 3, 2024 at
  3. Provide comments and/or feedback directly to WADA via WADAConnect by October 11, 2024. Drafts of the Code, International Standards, and summaries are available through WADAConnect.
  4. Request a virtual consultation directly with the CCES.

Comments submitted by the CCES to WADA will be made available to the public at a later date. 

Webinar schedule (all dates in 2024):

Webinars will provide a high-level review of the major changes as well as an opportunity to ask questions (no new information will be provided). Register by September 18, 2024.

  • Webinar (English) September 19, 10:30-11:30 am EST Register
  • Webinar (French) September 19, 2-3 pm EST Register
  • Webinar (English) October 1, 3-4 pm EST Register

Next Steps

For a detailed plan, click here to consult WADA’s 2027 Code and IS Update Process – Timelines and Key Phases.

2027 Code Approval (November 2025)

A final version of the 2027 Code and International Standards will be approved by the WADA Executive Committee.

2027 CADP Consultation (January to mid-2026. Dates to be confirmed.)

Once the 2027 Code is approved, the CCES will begin the consultation process for the 2027 CADP. It will be released in October 2026, followed by the adoption period for sport organizations. 

2027 Code and CADP in Effect (January 1, 2027) 

About the CCES

The CCES works collaboratively to ensure Canadians have a positive sport experience. Through its programs, the CCES manages unethical issues in sport, protects the integrity of Canadian sport, and promotes True Sport to activate values-based sport on and off the field of play. The CCES is an independent, national, not-for profit organization that is responsible for the administration of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program. The CCES acknowledges funding, in part, from the Government of Canada. For more information, visit, follow us on X (Twitter), Facebook, or Instagram. 

For further information, please contact:
+1 613-521-3340 x3233

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