Athletics Canada – OTTAWA – The Athletics Canada Commissioner’s Office announced today that Andy McInnis and Ken Porter of the Ottawa Lions Track and Field Club have been suspended effective immediately from Athletics Canada, its branches and clubs, until the completion of an ongoing investigation.
Athletics Canada views ethical conduct as a cornerstone in the fair administration of the sport of athletics. Everyone participating in athletics as an athlete, coach, integrated support team, administrator, volunteer, or staff member is entitled to participate in an environment that is free of harassment or discrimination.
Athletics Canada recognizes that it has a role in ensuring that a respectful environment exists in training, in competition, and in the workplace. Athletics Canada further expresses that it is imperative for the sport that participants conduct themselves with the highest level of ethical conduct on the field of play and in conducting Athletics Canada activities or business.
Please follow this link to read the complete decision from the Office of the Athletics Canada Commissioner regarding the Andy McInnis investigation.
Please follow this link to read the complete decision from the Office of the Athletics Canada Commissioner regarding the Ken Porter investigation.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Mathieu Gentès
Chief Operating Officer
(613) 260-5580 ext. 3303