CEC Update Regarding The Changing Covid-19 Landscape

Considering the recent spike in the spread of COVID-19 in Canada and out of concern for the health and safety of our athletes and stakeholders, the CEC Board of Directors has reviewed the remainder of the 2021-2022 Competition Season, and approved the following adjustments.

Please note that the Board of Directors and CEC Staff will continue to monitor the C19 situation closely, and may resort to implementing additional measures, including but not limited to, postponement or cancellation of events, at any time leading up to the sub-mentioned events.

Senior Lead and Speed Nationals

The Senior Lead and Speed National Championships will take place AS PLANNED, with necessary modifications to ensure health and safety of participants:

  • The Lead portion will take place on Saturday February 19 and Sunday February 20, 2022
  • The Speed portion will take place on Monday February 21, 2022
  • Both events will take place at the Richmond Olympic Oval, in Richmond, BC
  • Both events are open to Senior athletes only (those born 2006 and before)
  • CEC is cancelling the Youth and Junior portion during this Speed Competition, as well as the Speed Development Camp;
  • All participants in the event must be fully vaccinated (2 doses more than 14 days prior to the event), and wear a 3-ply face covering at all times
  • No spectators will be allowed – CEC will increase availability of Livestream for the event
  • CEC is working with Provincial and Territorial members to ensure that qualification and selection is done at a larger scale, allowing the PTSOs not to run qualification events at this time
    Additional measures will be in place and communicated to registered athletes

Registrations for these events will open soon! Keep following CEC on our website and social media, and contact your Provincial or Territorial Sport Organizations for more details.

Youth Boulder and Lead Series

Unfortunately, CEC had to make the heartbreaking decision of CANCELING the Regional Events (West and East) planned for April 15-17, 2022. There were multiple logistical challenges with hosting these events in the current context. We do recognize that this decision will greatly affect Youth C athletes, and for that, we are planning a special Summer Youth Event (all disciplines) to ensure participation of Youth C athletes at the National Level. More information to follow.

That being said, we are excited to maintain our Youth Boulder and Lead National Championships AS PLANNED on May 19-23, 2022.

  • The Boulder portion will take place at the Crux, in Laval, QC, on May 19-20, 2022
  • The Lead portion will take place at Canyon, in La Prairie, QC, on May 22-23, 2022
  • These events are open to Youth B, Youth A, and Junior Athletes
  • Qualification for these events will be done on a Provincial or Territorial basis
  • The Board of Directors reserves the right to reevaluate the viability of this event as we move closer to the spring

More information will be posted in March 2022. Contact your Provincial or Territorial Sport Organization for more details.

High Performance Program

Some adjustments must be made to our High Performance Events and Program in line with the above decisions.

  • The 2022 High Performance Competition will take place AS PLANNED on March 10-11 at the Richmond Olympic Oval, in Richmond, BC
  • Safety measures, similar to those listed above, will be implemented to ensure safety of athletes, coaches, and volunteers
  • Selected Boulder athletes have received their invitation to the competition, while Lead and Speed athletes will receive their invitation following the Senior Lead and Speed National Championships
  • This event is geared towards Senior athletes only
  • The 2022 High Performance Event Calendar and Team Selection Process has been published!

2022 Youth World Championships Selection

In the next week or two, CEC will be launching a brand new Virtual Platform allowing all Canadians to take part in Virtual Speed Tryouts for the Youth National Team. Athletes will be invited to upload a Speed Video and therefore take part in a National Identification Process.

Invitations to join the Youth National Team for the 2022 Youth World Championships in the USA will be distributed as follow:

  • Boulder and Lead – some quotas to YWC will be available using the results of the Youth Boulder and Lead National Championships, as outlined in the Event Team Selection Document.
  • Speed – some quotas to YWC will be available using the Virtual Submission Platform. Details of the process and timeline will be provided shortly.

Other News

Despite the unfortunate turn of events due to the spike of COVID-19 cases, CEC is optimistic that 2022 will be a great year for our Canadian athletes and stakeholders. In case you missed it, here are some announcements already made through the CEC channels:

CEC Contacts

Should you have any questions or comments regarding this announcement, please contact:

Christiane Marceau
Executive Director

Andrew Wilson
High Performance Director

Kathy Woods
Chair of the CEC Board of Directors

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