Canadian Journal for Women in Coaching – April Edition

Some Good News: Women Coaches as Coach Developers in the NCCP

by Andrea Woodburn, Bettina Callary, Diane Culver, and Chris Wellsman

April 2024   • Vol. 24, No. 2

“Since 1974, more than two million coaches and coach developers (CDs) have been trained through the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) to develop their coaching skills and improve the
performance of their athletes and participants at all levels of sport,” shared Sheila Robertson, Journal Editor.

Most Canadians are familiar with the role of the coach; few are aware of the CD role and its potential to contribute to a robust sport system. The authors build a compelling case for women (and others) to consider CD training as a viable option to rewarding and meaningful involvement through the NCCP.

The views expressed in the articles of the Canadian Journal for Women in Coaching are those of the authors and do not reflect the policies of the Coaching Association of Canada.

Read the full article.

© 2018 Coaching Association of Canada, ISSN 1496-1539

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