2021 National Aboriginal Hockey Championships Call for Bids

Aboriginal Sport Circle – The Aboriginal Sport Circle (ASC) established the National Aboriginal Hockey Championships (NAHC) in 2002 to serve as the premiere competition for young Aboriginal hockey players in Canada. It provides a forum for elite Bantam/Midget aged Aboriginal male and female youth and attracts participation from First Nations, Inuit and Metis across thirteen provinces and territories. This annual event helps foster cultural unity and pride to celebrate the athletic abilities of Aboriginal athletes from across the country.

The ASC will co-host its’ 20th annual National Aboriginal Hockey Championships (NAHC) in May 2021. The bid process and guidelines for the 2021 NAHC as outlined below, will be used by Aboriginal communities and Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Bodies interested in hosting this prestigious event.

Eligibility and Target Dates

The ASC is actively seeking bids to host the 2021 NAHC. To be eligible, the bid must be approved by its Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Body (P/TASB). Only one community can bid per Province/Territory. (See attached PTASB listing)

As a sanctioned Hockey Canada event, the NAHC are staged annually during the first two weeks in May (May 1st-16th, 2021). This ensures that the NAHC does not conflict with any of the Provincial/Territorial Bantam and Midget Hockey Championships. The NAHC is a week-long event with opening ceremonies conducted on the first day and closing awards ceremonies conducted following the final Gold Medal Game. A Team Social event may also be hosted mid-week, time permitting. The ASC will only entertain bids from communities that guarantee that no other major event will be staged locally during the dates of the NAHC.

The NAHC facility requirements are as follows: a minimum of two ice surfaces – the primary arena being National Hockey League regulation size (85’ x 200’) with seating for a minimum of 500 spectators. Likewise, the community must be within 150 kilometers from a regional airport, which offers daily flights from major airlines. Should the bidding community be outside the 150-kilometer radius, they must submit a travel plan that includes financial and logistical support for participating teams.

2021 Bid Timelines (All deadlines expire at 4:00 PM Eastern Time)
ALL Bid documents must be submitted to the ASC:
c/o Jeff Spencer, NAHC Working Group Chair, jspencer@eskan.ca
Bid Process Declared Open – January 21, 2019
Submission of ‘electronic’ letters of intent and $1500 bid fee – February 18,2019
Submission of electronic bid – April 1, 2019
(All Bids should include a letter of support from their PTASB and local Hockey Canada branch.)
Bid evaluation and selection – April 2- April 15, 2019
(The ASC will entertain a maximum of one (1) bid per Province/Territory, to host the 2019 NAHC.)
Announcement of the 2021 NAHC co-host – May 12, 2019

Bid Process
STEP 1: Submission of Letters of Intent and $1500 Bid Fee
To be eligible, an electronic letter of intent and E transfer or cheque $1500 bid fee must be submitted to the ASC by the February 18, 2019 deadline, c/o Jeff Spencer, NAHC Working Group Chair jspencer@eskan.ca and payments of $1500 to be submitted to Kelsey Dayler, ASC Program-Event Coordinator kdayler@aboriginalsportcircle.ca ;
Aboriginal Sport Circle
c/o House of Sport, RA Centre 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1H 7X7

STEP 2: Submission of Bids
Only those Bids that have completed Step 1 of the Bid Process will be eligible to bid on the 2021 NAHC. Bids will be received until 4:00 PM Eastern Time on April 1, 2019 based on the following criteria and guidelines:

a) The Host Society
The term “Host Society” refers to a group, representing a particular location (community/municipality), with the written mandate from its P/TASB to bid on the 2021 NAHC.
Host Society must include representation from the following groups:

✓ Local Aboriginal Communities;
✓ ASC Member Organization – Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Body (PTASB);
✓ Municipal Government;
✓ Municipal Chamber of Commerce;
✓ Potential Local Corporate Sponsors;
✓ It is also strongly recommended that local minor hockey organizations be included

b) The Host Society Organizational Structure
Each Host Society must outline its plans for establishing a Host Organization Structure

The Host Society will be comprised of a number of working committees created to assist with the planning and delivery of the NAHC. All committees must have significant representation by Aboriginal community members and chaired or co-chaired by a person of Aboriginal ancestry. Members of the Host Society must not include individuals who are directly involved with a Provincial/Territorial team participating in the 2021 NAHC.

The Host Society should identify a headquarters or central office. The headquarters will provide continuity for the dissemination of information leading up to the 2021 NAHC.

The 2021 NAHC Host Society will not only represent the interests of the local Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal population, but it will also serve the interests of the entire Province/Territory including governments, corporations and other individuals. The Host Society will utilize the character, influence and abilities of its members based on their field of expertise. It should also be noted that the delivery of the 2021 NAHC will greatly rely on volunteer support. Accordingly, the Host Society must pay particular attention to developing and implementing an effective volunteer recruitment program.

The NAHC Working Group Chair shall be directly involved in the overall management of the 2021 NAHC. The Host Society and the ASC NAHC Working Group will work closely together on the Host’s progress through regular updates/reports.


At present, there is no Major Corporate NAHC sponsorship agreement(s) in place. The successful 2021 NAHC Host Society must adhere to any agreement that has been reached.

c) Bid Package
The Bid Package is the primary document to be reviewed and evaluated by the 2021 NAHC-WG. The Bid Package should provide an introduction to the Host Society, a comprehensive overview of the Municipality/Aboriginal Community and details of the Host Committees plans for hosting the 2021 NAHC. Specific components required in the Bid Package are listed below and should serve as a checklist for each bidder in preparing their application.

Bid Package Criteria:
Host Society: Names and Bio’s for committee members that represent the following Local Aboriginal Community(s) Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Body
Municipal Government Municipal Chamber of Commerce Local Corporate Sponsors Local minor hockey organizations Organizational Plan Headquarters
Organizational Chart Staffing Requirements Community Overview Population and Location Aboriginal Demographics (in and surrounding the community)
History of Hosting Other National/Provincial/Regional Events Airport (must offer daily flights from major airlines) Hotels (number of hotels/motels, number of guest rooms and room rates) Other Services and Infrastructure (Restaurants, Shopping Malls, Hospitals, etc)

Event Plan
Proposed Event Dates
Support Services (providing possible cost savings for participants through accommodations, transportation and food services)
Banquet (caterers, seating layout of facilities, etc) (optional)
Ceremonies (opening, team social, closing, awards, etc)
Cultural Program and Protocol (cultural activities, community involvement, elders, etc)
Volunteer Recruitment and Training
Communications (web streaming, results, venue-to-venue, staff-to-volunteers, etc)
Media and Results (website, statistics, local/regional/national media coverage, etc)
VIP Support (accreditation, VIP room, services, etc)
Insurance (liability/cancellation insurance)
Security (volunteer, overnight, accommodations, etc)
Medical Service (event physicians on-site, first aid facilities on-site, emergency medical services, strategies for injuries, etc)
Marketing and Promotional Strategy (local, regional and national)
Sponsorship Strategy (corporate and government sponsorship, local/regional fundraising)
Legacy Plan (how will a profit be invested towards Aboriginal sport development)
Budget outlining all areas of anticipated revenue and expenditures (balanced accurate
Proof of base funding; in the form of Letters of Commitment from governments (Federal,
Provincial or Territorial, Aboriginal, Municipal) and private sector sources.
Competition Venues
Ice Surface (i.e. size)
A minimum of two ice surfaces are required to host the NAHC. The primary rink must be NHL regulation size with a minimum seating capacity for 500 spectators.
Seating Capacity (i.e. number of seats)

Seating Style (i.e. theatre, bench)
Dressing Rooms (i.e. size, number of rooms)
Facility Amenities (i.e. equipment Storage/Drying Facilities, Skate Sharpening, Sports Shop, Concession, Sound System, Box Office, Parking/Access, etc.)
Exclusivity (no other groups or events schedule for use of the facilities)
Medical Facilities (on-site)
Advertising (i.e. ice, rink boards and all areas within the immediate spectator area must be free of advertising)
Multi Purpose Rooms (i.e. size, number of rooms)

a) Qualified Officials
As a prerequisite of Hockey Canada’s sanction of the 2021 NAHC, all games must utilize officials that meet a predetermined Hockey Canada Level of Certification. These ‘Qualified Officials’ include all on and off-ice officials, including referees, linesmen, goal judges, scorekeepers/markers and timekeepers.

Male Games- Referees shall have a minimum of Level IV Certification, while the linespersons shall have a minimum of Level III Certification
Female Games – Referees shall have a minimum of Level III Certification, while the linespersons shall have a minimum of Level II Certification. Female games will be officiated by female officials when and where possible.

All reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that referees and linesperson have the minimum levels of certification as stated in this rule, for all games played during the NAHC. Additionally, special programs to upgrade Aboriginal officials so that they meet Hockey Canada’s qualifications could be considered.

It is a priority to utilize a majority of Aboriginal persons in these positions. Details of a review/inventory of qualified local/regional Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal officials must be provided. The bid should also outline a plan to utilize these officials.

b) Surplus and Deficit
There may be a surplus of funds associated with the hosting of the 2021 NAHC. In terms of disbursement of proceeds there will be a partnership between the Host Society and the ASC. The exact percentages shared between the two organizations shall be seventy-percent (75%) to the Host Society and twenty-five percent (25%) to the ASC, which will be formalized through a Hosting Agreement. (Host Society draft responsibilities attached)

The Host Society must outline its plans for a surplus as it relates to Aboriginal sport development at the local and regional levels. Every effort shall be made to avoid a deficit. It is a prerequisite that the Host Society operate under a balanced budget. The ASC assumes no responsibility should the Host Society incur a deficit.

STEP 3: Bid Evaluations and Selection PART A

The NAHC Working Group Chair will establish a 2021 NAHC Bid Selection Committee. The Bid Selection Committee will be comprised of individuals associated with the ASC that have an extensive knowledge of hockey – specifically in the hosting of large National events. They should have no direct or indirect involvement with a bidding P/TASB and/or community bidding on the 2021 NAHC. Their role is to objectively review and evaluate each of the Bid Packages. From this process the committee will rank the Bid Packages to determine the host site and an alternate.

During the bid evaluation and selection process, should the 2021 NAHC Bid Selection Committee have questions regarding details of a bid and follow-up is required, representatives of the Host Society might be required to communicate with ASC representatives via e-mail, teleconference or in person.

PART B (if required)
Should the 2021 ASC NAHC Bid Selection Committee determine that it is necessary to conduct site visitations, it shall be the responsibility of the bidding communities to arrange and pay for all travel costs for two (2) representatives of the NAHC Bid Selection Committee, which includes flight, hotel and per diem, to conduct an on-site assessment. The site visit shall consist of the following:

✓ Tour of proposed facilities
✓ Meeting with Bid Committee
✓ Tour of amenities (i.e. Hotels, Restaurants, etc)
✓ Tour of Aboriginal community/services

If, upon review by the September 30th progress report, the ASC NAHC Bid Selection Committee concludes that significant progress has not been made within the set Host Society timeline, then the ASC maintains the authority to transfer the right to host the NAHC to the designated alternative Host site.

STEP 4: Announcement of 2021 NAHC Host Site

The formal announcement of the host site for the 2021 NAHC will be made through a press release at the conclusion of the 2019 NAHC.
For further information on the ASC Host Bid Procedures and Guidelines for the 2021 National Aboriginal Hockey Championships, please contact:

Jeff Spencer
NAHC Working Group Chair

PTASB Listing Contact Person Email Sport and Recreation – Government of Nunavut Jeff Seeteenak (867) 793-3310 jseeteenak@gov.nu.ca Yukon Aboriginal Sport Circle Gael Marchand (867) 668-2840 ed@yasc.ca Aboriginal Sports Circle of the Northwest Territories Aaron Wells (867) 669-8338 aaron@ascnwt.ca Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council Rick Brant (250) 388-5522 rbrant@isparc.ca Indigenous Sport Council (Alberta) Leslie Kucey (403) 999-1492 iscapc@outlook.com Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations Ken Thomas (306) 956-1043 Ken.thomas@fsin.com Manitoba Aboriginal Sports & Recreation Council Inc. Mel Whitesell (204) 925-5941 Mel.whitesell@sportmanitoba.ca Indigenous Sport and Wellness Ontario Keir Johnston (519) 476-0613 Keir.johnston@iswo.ca First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC) / Eastern Door and North Francine Vincent (418) 842-1540 Francine.vincent@cssspnql.com Aboriginal Sport and Recreation New Brunswick Julie Chenier (613) 305-4848 Chenier.julieg@gmail.com Mi’kmaw Sport Council of Nova Scotia2) Tex Marshall (902) 567-0336 tex@kinu.ca PEI Aboriginal Sports Circle Lynn Anne Hogan (902) 438-2108 lahogan@mcpei.ca Aboriginal Sport and Recreation Circle of Newfoundland and Labrador Jerry Wetzel (709) 896-9218 mgwetzel@gmail.com

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