Board of Directors

Equestrian Canada
Position Type
Job location
Application Deadline Date
April 11, 2025
Salary Range

Our Vision: Fostering a love of horses and sport, for life.
Our Mission: Uniting the Canadian equestrian community in the pursuit of excellence while inspiring and serving people and their horses.
Our Core Values: Responsibility, Community, Quality

For more information about Equestrian Canada governance and operations, please visit


In 2025, there are three (3) vacancies and there will be three (3) Directors elected.

Per Bylaw 4.1 and 4.2 Directors to be Elected

Subject to any increase or decrease by the Board within the minimum and maximum as set out in the Articles, the number of Directors to be elected at an annual meeting shall be the number of Directors whose terms expire in the same year as the election. Three (3) positions will be for a three (3) year term ending in 2028.

Term Limits: Per Bylaw Article 4.9

Current Directors can be eligible for re-election, but no Director may serve for more than three (3) consecutive three-year terms. Fulfilling an incomplete term is not considered part of the term limit. Directors shall serve staggered terms to balance continuity with new perspective.


You should be prepared to devote approximately 10-20 hours monthly to the Board, including monthly tele/video conference meetings, potentially one face-to-face board meeting, committee work and other duties. If elected, attendance at board meetings must be set as a personal priority and engaged participation in committee work is critical for the success of EC. Please review the, EC Bylaws, EC Governance Manual, EC Code of Conduct & Ethics, and the Canada Not For Profit Act to become familiar with both the EC governance and operations when applying.

Competency of Nominees:

All nominations shall be reviewed by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall provide the Category Members with a list of candidate Directors, taking into consideration the required skills and diverse needs of Equestrian Canada, the community it serves and a balance of new and experienced Directors. Some of the skills desirable, but not limited to, include competency in digital communication, technology, fund raising, marketing, sport development, coaching, competition, risk management, governance, and finance. The Nominating Committee shall adhere to Board approved policies respecting the requirements to ensure appropriate diversity, independence, and the need for athlete representation on the Board.

The list of candidate Directors shall exceed the number of vacant positions by at least one and at most three (3) persons. No candidate may be eligible for election as a director unless such candidate has been reviewed by the Nominating Committee and included on this list of candidates to the Category Voting Members. The Nominating Committee reserves the right to follow up and verify the accuracy of all information in the application.

Eligibility: Per Bylaw Article 4.5

Eligibility – Subject to the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and the EC By-laws, any Person who
(i) has the power under law to contract, (ii) is eligible to serve as a director of a registered charity, (iii) is not an employee of Equestrian Canada or a Recognized Affiliate Organization, and (iv) is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada, and (v) may be elected or appointed as a Director provided that: A) Directors shall not be a committee member on any EC Operational Committee; and B) Directors may not be Category Voting Members save and except that a Director whose term is ending and is not standing for re- election may be a Category Voting Member at the Meeting of Voting Members where such Director’s term is ending, and C) Any Operational Committee member or Category Voting Member elected as a Director shall resign as a Category Voting Member or Operational Committee member within ten (10) days following the later of (i) date of election; and (ii) the provision of such Person’s consent to be a Director in accordance with the Act.

Nominations: Per Bylaw Article 4.6.

Nomination of an individual for election as a Director shall be submitted to the Nominating Committee in accordance with Equestrian Canada’s nomination policies, procedures and timelines, and shall include a written confirmation by the candidate expressing a willingness to stand for office and a detailed profile of the nominee.

Please note that Director Application Packages will remain confidential and will be destroyed after the election results are confirmed.

Candidate Application Package: Here

Candidate Application Packages must include the following items to be considered by the Nominating Committee:

  • Letter of Interest (maximum one page, 500 words)
    • Explain why you would like to serve on the EC Board.
    • Highlight the skills and value you would bring to the Board and organization.
  • CV (maximum five pages)
    • Must include:
      • Contact information
      • Education
      • Work experience
      • Volunteer/community service experience
      • Language proficiency
      • Technical and soft skills
    • CVs will be publicly circulated to the Nominating Committee.
    • If selected as a candidate, your CV will be presented to Category Voting Members during the voting stage.
    • Consider removing any personal/confidential information before submitting.
  • Complete Skill Matrix
    • After submitting your Director Application Package (Letter of Interest, CV, Nomination & Acceptance Form), you will receive a skills matrix via email.
    • The matrix outlines key skills relevant to serving as a director.
    • You must evaluate yourself using the matrix and return it to within the specified time frame.
  • Completed and Signed Director Nomination and Acceptance Form
  • Social Media Profiles (optional)


If you have questions regarding the Director Application Package, please contact Kelly Gravelle, Chair
– Nominating Committee at

Please submit your completed Director Application Package by 4 p.m. ET, April 11, 2025, to the attention of Kelly Gravelle – Chair, Nominating Committee at

Key Timelines:

March 17, 2025 Call for Nominations Opens
April 11, 2025 Call for Nominations Closes at 4pm ET
April 28, 29, 30, 2025 Interviews for selected candidates via tele/video conference
May 5, 2025  List of candidates to run for election announced/published
May 27, 2025 Voting Members cast their ballot at AGM
May 28, 2025 Election results announced/published

Application Details
Equestrian Canada
Contact Person
Nominating Committee Equestrian Canada
c/o House of Sport
2451 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1H 7X7
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