With fall just around the corner, high school students will soon be hitting the
Many school sports injuries are preventable through proper training, use of proper equipment and right conditioning. To build a successful team you have to have all your athletes’ healthy and ready to contribute. Keeping your team healthy makes the experience more memorable and gives your team the best chance of achieving its goals.
References from the SIRC Collection:
1. Brumitt J. Injury Prevention for High School Female Cross-Country Athletes. Athletic Therapy Today. July 2009;14(4):8-12.
2. INJURY PREVENTION AND PERFORMANCE. Journal Of Pure Power. April 2009;4(2):58-60.
3. Knowles S, Marshall S, Guskiewicz K. Issues in Estimating Risks and Rates in Sports Injury Research. Journal Of Athletic Training. April 2006;41(2):207-215.
4. R C C. The prevention of catastrophic head and spine injuries in high school and college sports. British Journal Of Sports Medicine. December 2009;43(13):981-986.
5. Sarmiento K, Mitchko J, Klein C, Wong S. Evaluation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Concussion Initiative for High School Coaches: “Heads Up: Concussion in High School Sports”. Journal Of School Health. March 2010;80(3):112-118.Â
6. Shanley E, Rauh M, Michener L, Ellenbecker T. Incidence of Injuries in High School Softball and Baseball Players. Journal Of Athletic Training. November 2011;46(6):648-654.Â
7. Yang J, Bowling J, Lewis M, Marshall S, Runyan C, Mueller F. Use of Discretionary Protective Equipment in High School Athletes: Prevalence and Determinants. American Journal Of Public Health. November 2005;95(11):1996-2002.