Celebrating the moms in our lives

My first memory of sport and physical activity as a child was with my grandmother, Wallie. We played badminton in the front yard, on a sunny day in the summer of 1994. She wasn’t training me to become a future Olympian. It was just pure fun.

I’m not alone. Everyone who knew Wallie has a memory just like it. She inspired her 14 children and dozens of grandchildren with her love of sport and physical activity – she played sports (although not organized ones) and tried to stay active throughout her life. I still don’t know how she did it. My grandmother had game, my mom has it too – and I’m grateful for that.

Many people have a story like this, of a mom or other strong female role model in their lives who inspired them through active living. Today, to celebrate International Women’s Day SIRC is launching the new Mom’s Got Game campaign, with funding from the Government of Canada. Starting today and leading up to Mother’s Day, we are celebrating, encouraging, and supporting moms of school-aged children to play sport and be active.

Informed by research and evidence, this is a campaign that:

  • Celebrates moms who are physically active or playing sport at any level, in any capacity. Whether it’s active walks or rolls, winter jogs, backyard snowball fights, or living room yoga. When mom participates, that’s what matters – and it’s worth celebrating.
  • Affirms that mom’s engagement in physical activity matters. Participation in sport and physical activity improves moms’ physical and mental health, provides an opportunity for personally fulfilling goals, and supports them in being good and healthy parents (SIRC, 2020). In addition, research shows mom’s engagement in physical activity is also directly linked to an active family culture, getting the whole family active (Canadian Women & Sport, 2020).
  • Acknowledges the significant barriers and challenges preventing many moms from being active, including managing the demands of work, family and personal time; responsibilities for child care; and limited opportunities to participate in appropriate sports or competition levels (SIRC, 2020).
  • Encourages moms’ support system (her family) to understand these barriers, and recognize the important role they play in helping mom overcome them. Especially moms’ partners.

This campaign is not a guideline, nor is it a challenge. It is a celebration of moms, and everything they do. And it is a call to action for us all to support moms who are leading active lives or seeking to start.

Share Your Story

So, how about the mom in your life? How does mom stay active and inspire you to do the same?  Is it trying a sport for the first time; having fun throughout the years; or training hard and celebrating with family and friends? In the absence of organized sport due to COVID-19, has a new favourite activity emerged? (Living room workouts, anyone?)

I’ve shared my story, and I encourage you to share yours through SIRC’s campaign microsite – see details here – and be part of the #MomsGotGame movement!

About the Author(s) / A propos de(s) l'auteur(s)

Peter Morrow is SIRC’s Knowledge Mobilization and Communications Specialist, leading innovative campaigns to advance sport and physical activity in Canada. He is a multi-sport athlete who loves soccer, hockey and rugby.

The information presented in SIRC blogs and SIRCuit articles is accurate and reliable as of the date of publication. Developments that occur after the date of publication may impact the current accuracy of the information presented in a previously published blog or article.
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