The Ethics of Climate and Sport
Climate is a hot topic in every realm of human experience at the moment, including sport. During this webinar, Dr. Jennifer Walinga will host a special episode of Sport, Leadership and Social Change and speak with experts on the impact that climate changes are having upon sport, as well as some of the creative initiatives launched to address these outcomes both in our local communities and abroad. Margot Foster AM LLB OLY, is a governance expert and Chair of the Australia Sport Environmental Alliance (SEA). SEA has contributed to a number of research and advocacy reports such as the Climate Council’s Climate Change and Sport Report and the Climate Council’s Game, Set, Match report. Margot will speak with Jen about the role of climate action and leadership within sport and the role sport is having on climate change and the various initiatives currently underway in Australia. For an additional webinar on the topic, check out The End of Sport Episode 138 with Dr. Madeleine Orr from University of Toronto.
Register Here (as part of our Communication and Ethics Conference) Feb 20th 3pm PT