CSEP is excited to launch a brand new webinar series called Exercise Science: From Research to Practice.
In this virtual series, industry experts will aim to bridge the gap between research and practice in the dynamic field of exercise science. Each webinar will provide participants with the latest findings, insights and practical applications that shape the way we understand and implement exercise for health, performance and overall well-being.
Mark your calendars, the first 4 webinars of this 8-part series are already lined up:
- May 7th: Being Strong to Live Long(er): What’s the Key Formula?
- June 18th: Practice sleeping better to craft health and high performance
- September 17th: Bridging exercise science and rehabilitation science for stroke recovery
- October 30th: Overcoming strength training barriers in middle-aged and older adults
To learn more about the speakers, to read webinar descriptions or to register, CLICK HERE. For more information, please email events@csep.ca.