Recognizing and Responding to Teen-Dating Violence: Implications for Women Coaches
By Gretchen Kerr, Aalaya Milne, Anthony Battaglia, Ashley Stirling, Andrea Woodburn, and Isabelle Cayer
Did you know 80% of teens experience some form of teen dating violence?
In Canada, approximately 77% of children and youth 5 to 19 years of age participate in organized physical activity or sport. With such high participation rates, coaches are in a position to significantly influence the holistic health and development of young people. Importantly, coaching involves far more than coaching athletic skills and tactics; instead, it is a process of developing young people through the experiences of sport.
The latest edition of the Canadian Journal for Women in Coaching delves into a thorough examination of teen-dating violence (TDV), a worrisome and contentious subject that must be addressed by Canada’s sport community if it is to be curbed and athletes of all genders protected.
Check out the full article:Â Recognizing and Responding to Teen-Dating Violence: Implications for Women Coaches | Coach