Ottawa – April 27, 2023 – The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) and McLaren Global Sport Solutions (MGSS), with support from the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC), are hosting a symposium with an intensive program that explores the threat of competition manipulation and gambling to Canadian sport. The goal of the 2023 Symposium on Competition Manipulation and Gambling in Sport is to develop a common way forward that will benefit sport and the gaming industry, as well as a comprehensive national program for all national and multi-sport organizations to adopt. The symposium has attracted registrants from around the world to gather in Toronto, Canada, on May 30-31.
The legalization of single-sport betting in Canada in 2021 triggered major changes to the domestic sport gambling landscape. With more betting comes the increased likelihood of competition manipulation and other threats to sport integrity. At the symposium, speakers and panelists will present strategies used in other markets, share best practices, and explore approaches to protecting Canadian sport. The program features world-renowned experts and leaders from Canadian, international and professional sport, technology, the gambling industry, responsible gaming, law enforcement, and more.
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