The new normal? How digital innovation evolved the fan experience

Hundreds of empty yellow seats in a stadium that has been shut off to spectators during the coronavirus pandemic.

Highlights Sports fans and spectators, from the grassroots to the professional level, have had to engage with their favourite teams and athletes in new ways during the pandemic. Canadian sport businesses, broadcasters, leagues and teams are driving fan engagement through digital innovation, from virtual stadiums to streaming services. The introduction of new technologies, including advanced…

Building capacity for evaluation with students and volunteers

Happy young female student smiling and holding books

An essential part of improving sport service delivery is program evaluation. Program evaluation allows sport organizations to understand how their programs or initiatives work in different ways. However, many organizations receive insufficient training or lack the capacity (staff, funding or time) to engage in evaluative work (Carman & Fredericks, 2010).  One way that sport organizations can boost capacity for evaluation is to involve students and volunteers. Indeed, there are many examples of graduate students partnering with…

Supporting Podium Dreams – Paralympian Search and RBC Training Ground

Highlights from the CPC's Paralympian Search at the Canadian Sport Institute Calgary high performance training facilities in Calgary, AB, on November 24, 2018.

To support the identification and development of future Olympians and Paralympians, two Canadian programs have been developed to fuel the Canadian pipeline of future hopefuls. RBC Training Ground and the Canadian Paralympic Committee’s Paralympian Search are athlete identification programs designed to assess participant aptitudes in various sports, and connect athletes with sport opportunities and development…

Building Capacity in Community Sport Organizations

Community sport organizations (CSOs) occupy an important place in our communities by providing sport and recreation opportunities for all ages, as well as serving a wider social role within our communities (see, for example, Taking Action: Community Sport Organizations and Social Responsibility by Misener, 2018). Previous research has pointed to the challenges these organizations face,…

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