With return to school just around the corner, peruse the following resources designed to support parents and during this time:
- Consult the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 guidance for schools Kindergarten to Grade 12 which includes supporting the psychosocial needs of staff, students and volunteers, and considerations for remote, isolated and Indigenous communities.
- Browse PHE Canada’s Return to School Canadian Physical and Health Education (PHE) Guidelines to understand how the PHE curriculum can be safely and effectively delivered during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Their Home Learning Centre offers practical and fun physical and health education activities, plus self-care strategies and professional development programs to support teachers returning to the classroom.
- Ophea has a collection of health and physical education content for parents and caregivers to use to keep kids healthy at home.
- Consider the advice offered by Canadian researchers in this Psychology Today blog on how parents can support their children through uncertainty of back to school.
- Support active and safe transportation to school such as walking, or biking with a properly fitting helmet.