Déclaration du Comité paralympique canadien sur le budget fédéral 2024

Ottawa, April 16, 2024 – The Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC) welcomes new federal funding allocated to athletes in Budget 2024 through the Athlete Assistance Program. This vital increase is a positive step forward, helping athletes to better manage the significant costs of training, while acknowledging the contributions of athletes within and beyond the sport system. Thank you to the federal government for this critical and valued support to Canadian high performance athletes who so proudly represent the country on the global stage. 
CPC also welcomes the additional short-term investments in sport through the Sport Support program, Future of Sport in Canada Commission, and community sport programming.
However, the absence of additional core funding for National Sport Organizations (NSOs) is a significant oversight. Without enhanced NSO support, the infrastructure necessary to nurture and sustain the sport system in Canada remains underfunded. Since the last funding increase in 2005, the growing needs and unique demands of sport, and especially Paralympic sport, have only intensified.
As Canadian athletes prepare with dedication for international competitions, including the upcoming Paris 2024 Games, the Canadian Paralympic Committee remains committed to advocating for comprehensive funding that supports not only the athletes but also the critical structures that uphold the principles of safe, inclusive, and accessible sport in Canada. 

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About the Canadian Paralympic Committee

The Canadian Paralympic Committee is a non-profit, private organization in partnership with 27 member sport organizations, dedicated to the power and impact of Paralympic sport. Holding a vision of an inclusive world realized through Paralympic sport, its mission is to deliver the best-prepared teams for Games excellence while modeling and promoting disability inclusion and accessibility. Championing the stories and successes of high-performance athletes with disabilities, the Canadian Paralympic Committee inspires Canadians to embrace inclusivity and actively engage in sports. For more insights, visit Paralympic.ca.


Nicole Watts
Senior Manager, Communications & PR
Canadian Paralympic Committee
nwatts@paralympic.ca | 613-462-2700

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